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I want to transmit my vision of the beauty of the world. An awareness that the phenomena we see are the result of the complexity of the internal mechanisms between atoms: it is a sublime and wonderful feeling.

Richard Feynman, Nobel laureate in Physics1965

Show currently touring in French: for performance dates, this way!

Rebellion of the minuscule

Quantum physics and object theatre
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We are 99% emptiness.
And of the remaining 1%, little is known.
But we shall try to explain it to you anyway!


Amélie Duguay

At the crossroads of the museum and the laboratory, this show invites the audience to a journey towards the infinitely small, with humor and visual poetry!

Quantum physics is complex, paradoxical, sometimes frustrating in its incomprehensibility. But it is also the heart, often strange or disturbing, yet essential, of our world.

Rebellion of the minuscule is a voyage into the depths of the atoms that make up everything that surrounds us. Where the simple fact of observing a particle changes its behavior in an unpredictable way.
An object theater show where artworks are built live. Where the images' low tech magic magnifies the sense of vertigo, as we move between the known and the unknown, certainty and the void, light and matter.

But the quantum world proves impossible to frame. Each new question reshapes our borders. And suddenly, the world slips through our fingers...


Want to explore more quantum content?
Discover the works of art and science that inspired us by clicking on the fox!



Text and interpretation Antonia Leney-Granger

Director Évelyne Laniel

Interpretation Karine St-Arnaud

Dramaturgy and scenic conception collaboration Karine St-Arnaud, Mélanie Whissell

Set design Véronique Poirier

Lighting design and stage management Mélanie Whissell 

Sound design Nicolas Letartre-Bersianik

Scientific counsel Stéphanie Jolicoeur



Maison de la culture de Rosemont-La Petite-Patrie

Maison de la culture Côte-des-Neiges

Maison de la culture Janine-Sutto

Institut quantique (Quantum Institute, University of Sherbrooke)


Thanks to all 66 generous donors that contributed to this show's creation. Your gift means the world to us, and we hope to meet you soon to thank you in person!

Credit : Maxim Paré Fortin

Artistic statement

Quantum physics casts doubt on humanity's ability to know everything about the world. It confronts human beings with their limits and proves that objective observation doesn't exist: the simple fact of observing subatomic particles modifies their behavior in unpredictable ways.

How can we evoke on stage something that, by definition, eludes us?

In this show, science is a pretext for destabilization. We use art to reveal the fragmented nature of reality.

Trying to “understand” a work of art or a quantum law is a complex, if not impossible, task. Knowing that electrons exist doesn't change anything about the lives of electrons. 


It's we humans who are transformed by these discoveries. Who are we if infinite copies of us exist in parallel worlds? If our atoms are the same ones that have already composed a stone, the sun, a tree? 


Science, like art, is an ephemeral creation. It's a work in progress, that constructs the world through observation. It creates the world by telling new stories.

Research themes

Light or matter?

Work on the projection of images, shadows and objects by low tech means to blur the distinction between light and matter

Grasping the invisible


Making the infinitely small visible and materializing complex concepts through the evocative power of object theater

Abstract art and quantum physics

How these two fields of practice explore alternative and polysemic visions of the world where several interpretations coexist

Extra resources

A list of books and references that inspired us during the creation of the show. A great way to continue your exploration of the quantum world!


Jim Ottaviani


Suspended in Language : Niels Bohr's Life, Discoveries,
and the Century He Shaped


​Leonard Shlain Art and Physics

Carlo Rovelli


The order of time

Reality is not what it seems

Seven brief lessons in physics

Julien Bobroff

Mon grand mécano quantique

La quantique autrement

Bienvenue dans la nouvelle révolution quantique

Brian Greene

Hidden reality

Until the end of time

Adam Becker What is real?

John Gribbin Les mystères du monde quantique
StephenHawking A brief history of time
Werner Heisenberg Physics and Philosophy

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